Kill Time, Before Time Kills You


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jew Soap?

So this is sort of old news.
Some curio shop in Montreal claimed it was selling a bar of soap manufactured during the Holocaust, made from the fat of a Jew. The bar was even engraved with a swastika and dated 1940. The whole 1940 thing sort of proves it`s myth, since the holocaust began in 1941. The 'Holocaust' itself is debatable. Not that I'm saying it didn't happen, but there is a lot of research out there...
The Nazi`s never made soap from Jews. Even if they did, and one were selling such a product, would someone please explain to me why one would advertise that? I would think it pretty obvious that it would only receive negative feedback, if not legal repercussions.

Perhaps the recent mockery of the Nazis and WWII and the `revenge of the Jewish people` dreamed up in the film by Tarantino made the shop owners think that people would find it humorous, if not acceptable and desirable to have a bar of soap made from human fat. Sort of contrary, but hey who cares right? It`s been long enough we can make fun of it now. Right? Not quite.

Which reminds me, I really didn`t like that movie. I think it was a terrible idea to make such a movie, as all it does is further demonize the German people who already had enough issues of contingency and national detriment due to the popular history of WWII. Not to mention, according once again to my observations of society, a lot of people have absolutely no knowledge of history aside from what the media (ahem) presents us, and what one tiny unmemorable paragraph in a history book tells of. I remember my grade 11 social studies class, there was an error in the history book and I knew it, and had it confirmed, `cause I`m a geek like that. So we believe errors, myths, and pseudo-facts interspersed with actual fact. Awesome. I'm glad some people are content with that. Not literally glad, sarcastically glad.

Anyway, point being, most youth don`t know anything about anything and if you ask me, movies about sensitive issues like this shouldn`t be made because all they do is further propagate hate toward anything and everything that has any sort of connotation with Nazi-Germany, or even just right-wing politics and fascism in general. Quite honestly the amount of things that can render connotations with Nazi-Germany is ridiculous (everything from science to religion). People need to get over it, but clearly that hasn`t happened, and if it had no one would have cared about the soap and it would never have reached the national news status (which is why movies like this shouldn`t be made, also the accents in the film were TERRIBLE).

One more thing about connotations while I'm at it, the soap had swastikas on it, right? Yes. So, this is what is said about the noble swastika, or, sunwheel:

“Alice Herscovitch, executive director of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, denounced the sale of an object with a swastika – “a symbol of hate, extreme violence and murder against Jews and other identifiable groups.”

“It’s associated with extreme dehumanization and the murder of 6 million Jews and many million of others. To sell that and hope to profit from it is scandalous,” she said.”

So I guess if she went to India she would have to slander everyone for having swastikas everywhere. I get that in the context of things, the Swastika would obviously render up such connotations. None-the-less, just because this symbol has the connotation to some (if not most) of hatred and violence does NOT mean that is what it stands for, nor does that mean it ever represented those things, even when used in Germany. The Swastika is in fact ancient, appearing in the 5-6th millennium.
Symbols can only represent as much as we decide to put in to them. Symbols are immortal and always reoccurring, thus it is unjustifiable to say anything represents just one thing. Just because it was so widely used during WWII does not mean that what it is commonly associated with it is what it actually represents. Look at the Death's Head. It would be my assumption to the uneducated eye that most people would relate that with a Pirate symbol. Or look at the Christian cross, to some it might represent love, respect, acceptance and faith. To others it can represent genocide, hatred, and demoralization. Get the point?
Fuck I hope so, too many people are walking around with their eyes shut, I'm surprised there aren't more broken noses.

So back to 'Inglorious Basterds,' that movie has the potential to breed a huge amount of liberal-wankers who want to `crush`anyone who doesn`t agree with their personal platform which in turn equates violence. I find that most extremist liberals are more violent than extremist right-wingers. I get that both sides have bad apples, but for some reason only one side (can you guess which?) really seems to be scorned upon. An example would be the anti-fa vs. the fascists. The latter would get together for some sort of meeting, this is then found out by the anti-fa, the anti-fa go there for a surprise attack, and kick the shit out of everyone, molotov the suckers, and then flee the scene. Then of course there has to be retaliation, because who likes to get their ass kicked for no good reason and not seek vengeance? This was the case in (West) Germany for a long time in the 80's between conflicting extremist groups (Neo-Nazis & Anti-Fa). From what I recall the police allowed the right-wingers to kick the shit out of the anti-fa without arrest, because the anti-fa were ruining so many buildings and causing so much gang violence. I think it had been the other way around at first. However the Neo-Nazis actually gained political power and the Anti-Fa continued to be a bunch of violent punks.
(Ref. Führer-Ex, by Ingo Hasselbach, now also a movie apparently...)
ANYWAY!! Finally I'll get back to the soap.

I really do not understand why a person would promote that they were selling such a thing. I mean, really? Hey guys and gals, I have the pickled heads in my basement that I stole from my human anatomy class... I`ll sell one for $40. Charlie Manson's head with swastika carving intact for $80, 'cause yeah, I killed him. Fun?
Does that sound like a good thing to promote? Maybe, depending who you are I guess, but in the public eye, HELL NO. It`s like saying you have a dead hooker in your basement whom a ``customer`` can fuck for a nominal fee. All good? Probably not, at least not in any civilized society.

By the way, to any `official` who may stumble across this, I don`t have dead hookers or anyone's head, nor do I ever plan to...

You can read about the soap here.

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